Resolve back pain

Back pain: a very common problem for many. Curious about how back pain may be resolved with basic osteopathic treament? Make sure you read up on this article 'resolving back pain using osteopathy'.

Osteopathy can help and have a beneficial effect to people who suffer with back pain, helping them return to normal activity. The UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) which provides guidance for health services, recommends manual therapy, such as that provided by osteopaths, as part of a package of care for the management of lower back pain and sciatica.

Back pain is not normally caused by anything serious, though it is natural to worry about your symptoms and the cause. The osteopath will always complete a routine examination that checks for more serious diagnoses and will advise and discuss with you any further action that may be required.

So, how does the osteopath help with back pain?

They will use many techniques to treat the painful back. These include:

Massage – this helps with freeing up muscle spasm, but also it can be used to calm the nervous system, and therefore affect the patient’s perception of their pain

Spinal Manipulation – this helps restore movement in the facet joints.

Muscle Energy Technique – this is a non-invasive technique that is used to improve ROM in specific muscles. The patient pushes gently against a counter – force applied by the osteopath.

Cranial osteopathy – a gentle form of treatment that addresses subtle movement in the body.

As back pain cannot be separated from the individual presenting with it, the osteopath will use these wide range of techniques to be as appropriate as possible to the individual patient. This will depend on their age, profession, past medical history and overall fitness. The osteopath will also advise on what posture and rehabilitation exercises are best suited to that patient.

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