Improve blood flow

Blood flow is essential for your body and mind, that much is clear. But did you know that a good osteopath can help you improve the amount of blood your heart is able to pump around? Osteopathy may improves your overall blood flow. Find out how we do this, reading this article.

Osteopathy can help with improving blood flow/ circulation to an area so more nutrients can be used for healing damaged tissues.

There is a saying in osteopathy, “The rule of the artery is supreme”, and it is clear that the movement of the fluids of the body are essential to a healthy body. The fluids in question include not only blood but lymphatic and cerebrospinal fluid. It is through these fluids that physical homeostasis is maintained, and if they are affected, either directly or indirectly, then the health of the individual will suffer.

 Osteopathy, with its hands on techniques, can improve the flow. The hands on techniques are called passive mobilisations of the structures of the body and this plays an important role in reducing pain and optimising active movement and function.

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